Sathyabhama Das Biju


For over 30 years, Biju has been photographing amphibians in Asian forests with the aim of documenting their diversity, life, and behavior. He has published over 200 photographs in reputed scientific journals (including Nature, PNAS, Science) and magazines (including BBC Wildlife, National Geographic Magazine, The Economist, Outdoor Photographer, New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Scientific American, Forbes, Newsweek, TIME). His photographs have appeared in books and media articles in over 10 world languages, and on the covers of several reputed magazines, including cover of The Economist (2012).

His photographs have been selected as:

  • “Best photograph of the week 2012” in the magazine Nature
  • “10 Best News Pictures of 2012” in the National Geographic Society Magazine
  • “Best photos of the day” in 2017 in The Guardian